
Monday 3 December 2012

"The Power of Sound"

I have noticed that after my last post I kind finished abrupt.. I know the theme was quite getting vast and deep by the end of it, but I'll come back to it in the future, now I wanna express something for the ears so to speak.

A while ago on one of my Sunday routines when I was walking around town and drop in on museums and galleries I found my self on the door step of the Huge Lane gallery... and while looking around the paintings on the premises I have notice a piece of white paper on the floor... I was intrigued and being a nice citizen (LOL) I pick up and was going to trow in the bin when I read the front of the paper saying "Free Concerts".

There was I with the opportunity at hand, like everyone else I like free things and the second part was the best, I always thought of myself to be out place because since the age of 12 years old I always liked to hear the classics on the radio but at that time I always avoided to say to others that I was actually enjoying that kind of music, but now things are quite different, I'm older and can face any discrimination if there any to it... is pure a state of mind.

Well I never had been in a classical concert before, couldn't afforded or thought I couldn't and here show up in front of me in a silver plate, I didn't think twice I was back there on the very next opportunity and for my luck the first show that I experienced it was a Opera. It was a group of six women singing the piece called SVADBA - WEDDING by Ana Sokolovic.

The author is Serbian born but most of her studies and carrier is based in Montreal, Canada. She and the group of the singer has being quite popular not only on the North America but also world wide, wining several awards in the last few years.

The piece was song a Capella using a few dramatic acting body movements and also the use of small instruments played by the group members, the very first note of high pitch at the begging of the opera made my day for the rest of the week, I never had felt such sense of fullness and joy... the lyrics was singed in Serbian but the intense of the acting by the girls on the group and their amazing voices transmitted the story straight to my heart.

After that experience I was trilled and excited for now I had a new way to enjoy the beauty that life can offer us, I'm kind being a bit silly here for the fact that most of the free stuff that we can get around us is probably announced in radio, newspapers and internet but we don't pay attention to it.

The very next concert that I witnessed was "The Music of John Buckley", John Buckley is a Irishman compose and artist, his work has being portrayed and played everywhere in the world earning fame and awards everywhere, that afternoon I had the change to heard and contemplated his works played in piano, violin and a choir piece, it was a full blast again.

I have been going to the Sundays free concerts ever since and every opportunity to get this sound bust of beauty to my ears just makes me more light to go with my weekly life...

XXX chicos and chicas

Gean  Anderson de Lima