
Tuesday 5 February 2013

“Words Power”

When was the last time that you enjoy reading or listening a poem? have you ever considered that question? With the world spinning faster and faster we barely have time to read or hear the news think about it to enjoy the power of written words.

When someone embarques on a journey to find more cultural meaning in his/her life that should be one of the basic queries that needs to be answered if not the most raw one?

Our society is mainly based on what’s new and who’s more successful at the moment on TV. These drive that we took in search of way to get entertainment dates back to time of Greeks and Romans but in that era there wasn't radio, TV or internet. The popularity adoration, most of it, was through public theater performances, it was purely the expression of feeling throughout spoken words, in basic description that was the birth of poetry.

On the streets of modern Dublin is not so odd to came across with the feeling left by the history of its greatest writers like Oscar Wilde, James Joyce and William Butler Yeats, the power and enphase left by their works still resonate in the this new millennial, but the same drive that makes us go and became a bookworm makes us go in search of a contemporary adaptation for these  art of expression.

Playing with the words and writing about the feeling can be intriguing and challenging but not difficult, to do that and stylized with a modern humor and sarcasm is a gift. Patrick Chapman, Dimitria X and Andre K'por are some great poets composers of our society that can bring the whole package.

Andre K’por is the promoter of a poetry/hip hop event that takes place on Sweeney's pub every first Tuesdays of the month, he has a brilliant mind and a passionate love for poetry, he tells  how did it come to this type of art “I didn't really choose it just kind develops... I supposed is organic you know”, he started by scribbling line and reading to anyone that wanted to listen to his works and now he is not only performing but also helping others to spread this love for words, but wasn't always that easy he says “I can remember the first time I read a poem in front of people... I was 15 it was five lines long and I still stutter half way through”.

Just the same Patrick Chapman is one of the main performances collaborators for the event, reciting from his own published book called ‘A promiscuity of spine - new and selected poems’, he started writing poems when he was a teenager he says “I mistakenly thought it would take less time to write than short stories”, he does write others things but for him poem is the default mode and he feels comfort in doing it as he says “I tend not to look for it... it tends to just occur to me... I have a idea... so I don't go in search of inspiration”.

For Dimitria X a Greek/Canadian girl the reason poetry works so well for her, is because its a beautiful way to communicate and the idea that you can create a image or speak about an experience that somebody can connect to, really appeals to her, “the first time when I was 13... I was writing in my diary and I end up writing the word sex down on the page” she says, she looked over her shoulder and realized that there was no one to stop her for being able to write that down, “that gave me that sense of freedom that I could do whatever I want with words” she comments because it was hers words and then two years later she discovered there was a poem and it blow her mind.  

Playing with the words is a set of skills annexed to a writer but describing feeling shouldn't be that difficult, in our daily life we communicate and expressed ourselves through emotions and it is in every situation that we partake in a conversation or exploration of the ordinary.

While someone does not need to read all the Shakespeare works or know how to make a four line piece rhyme, the fact that we can appreciate the written words is the common step to express our feeling in our life.

Gean Anderson de Lima xxx

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