
Tuesday 7 May 2013


I`m your poet
You are my muse

Your body my canvas
My body a feather

Together we composed
The most beautiful art

Together we conquered
And enchanted the angels
Mischief the gods
And blamed the devil

With our art of

Pleasure and joy,

Kisses and cuddle...

2011 - Gean Anderson de Lima


Last night I got the chance to go and see a piece of the gay theater here in Dublin.

The Lisbon Traviata, by Terrence Mcnally was performed (reading only) at the Outhouse LGBT center last night.
Maria Callas was a Greek-Canadian opera singer, one of the greatest from the 20th century, and my good friend Joby Red (the one on the picture with me) had this amazing idea of directing this piece of art which is surrounded about her life and performances     

The story goes of a tragic love relationship of a gay couple in america and the love/addiction of one of the guys for opera and in particular for Callas. It was a fast pacing and exciting scenes with load of gay delemas that I could relate to it.

The show was one night only and was fantastic, the story was been narrated by the director (Joby Red) and sound operated by another good friend of mine, Mike Kelly (Silvertung Media).
It was a great experience and a fantastic time from the beginning till the end.

"Ma, Me, Mi"


You and Me

There`s no me
Without you

There`s no you
When me cry

There`s no you
To make me


Me, you


No me
No you

2004 - Gean Anderson de Lima

"Hip hop what?"

I got so excited after I manage to do the interview with Andre K'por about the Poetry Hip Hop event that he promotes every first Tuesday of the month, that I have been participating the event myself for a while now. And few weeks after I write the article and did the radio interview I got the change to do it for TV.
That was amazing and I had a lot of fun doing it.

Here is the audio interview  Poetry Hip Hop
And here is the video interview, check out! Andre K'por - Poetry Hip Hop

"Picture This"

On my routine walking around town I came across the Chester Beatty Library, (
I have been visiting the library every opportunity I get. 

They have a number of collection that is permanent to the public view and one in particular got my attention.

The Paintings that express the French-Arabic world during the 1900s. 

These selection of thirty paintings that once belonged to Chester Beatty. 

The paintings are among some ninety works presented by Beatty to the Irish nation in 1950, shortly after his move to Ireland from London. 
Some of which caught my attention was Caravan on the Nile The Gulf of Aqaba by Jean Léon Gérôme, c. 1897 and Falcon Hunt (Algeria Remembered) by Eugéne Fromentin, 1874, I was very glad to see those and  got a warm feeling of freedom after.
The Paintings will remain at the Library until August 2013.

Thursday 7 March 2013

"We are One"

Your eyes shine
As stars obeys

Your breath swept
As your soul fades

We complete
As death takes over

But still a heartbeat
Into my inner ear

We Are One!!!

2009 - Gean Anderson de Lima

Tuesday 5 February 2013

“Words Power”

When was the last time that you enjoy reading or listening a poem? have you ever considered that question? With the world spinning faster and faster we barely have time to read or hear the news think about it to enjoy the power of written words.

When someone embarques on a journey to find more cultural meaning in his/her life that should be one of the basic queries that needs to be answered if not the most raw one?

Our society is mainly based on what’s new and who’s more successful at the moment on TV. These drive that we took in search of way to get entertainment dates back to time of Greeks and Romans but in that era there wasn't radio, TV or internet. The popularity adoration, most of it, was through public theater performances, it was purely the expression of feeling throughout spoken words, in basic description that was the birth of poetry.

On the streets of modern Dublin is not so odd to came across with the feeling left by the history of its greatest writers like Oscar Wilde, James Joyce and William Butler Yeats, the power and enphase left by their works still resonate in the this new millennial, but the same drive that makes us go and became a bookworm makes us go in search of a contemporary adaptation for these  art of expression.

Playing with the words and writing about the feeling can be intriguing and challenging but not difficult, to do that and stylized with a modern humor and sarcasm is a gift. Patrick Chapman, Dimitria X and Andre K'por are some great poets composers of our society that can bring the whole package.

Andre K’por is the promoter of a poetry/hip hop event that takes place on Sweeney's pub every first Tuesdays of the month, he has a brilliant mind and a passionate love for poetry, he tells  how did it come to this type of art “I didn't really choose it just kind develops... I supposed is organic you know”, he started by scribbling line and reading to anyone that wanted to listen to his works and now he is not only performing but also helping others to spread this love for words, but wasn't always that easy he says “I can remember the first time I read a poem in front of people... I was 15 it was five lines long and I still stutter half way through”.

Just the same Patrick Chapman is one of the main performances collaborators for the event, reciting from his own published book called ‘A promiscuity of spine - new and selected poems’, he started writing poems when he was a teenager he says “I mistakenly thought it would take less time to write than short stories”, he does write others things but for him poem is the default mode and he feels comfort in doing it as he says “I tend not to look for it... it tends to just occur to me... I have a idea... so I don't go in search of inspiration”.

For Dimitria X a Greek/Canadian girl the reason poetry works so well for her, is because its a beautiful way to communicate and the idea that you can create a image or speak about an experience that somebody can connect to, really appeals to her, “the first time when I was 13... I was writing in my diary and I end up writing the word sex down on the page” she says, she looked over her shoulder and realized that there was no one to stop her for being able to write that down, “that gave me that sense of freedom that I could do whatever I want with words” she comments because it was hers words and then two years later she discovered there was a poem and it blow her mind.  

Playing with the words is a set of skills annexed to a writer but describing feeling shouldn't be that difficult, in our daily life we communicate and expressed ourselves through emotions and it is in every situation that we partake in a conversation or exploration of the ordinary.

While someone does not need to read all the Shakespeare works or know how to make a four line piece rhyme, the fact that we can appreciate the written words is the common step to express our feeling in our life.

Gean Anderson de Lima xxx

Monday 3 December 2012

"The Power of Sound"

I have noticed that after my last post I kind finished abrupt.. I know the theme was quite getting vast and deep by the end of it, but I'll come back to it in the future, now I wanna express something for the ears so to speak.

A while ago on one of my Sunday routines when I was walking around town and drop in on museums and galleries I found my self on the door step of the Huge Lane gallery... and while looking around the paintings on the premises I have notice a piece of white paper on the floor... I was intrigued and being a nice citizen (LOL) I pick up and was going to trow in the bin when I read the front of the paper saying "Free Concerts".

There was I with the opportunity at hand, like everyone else I like free things and the second part was the best, I always thought of myself to be out place because since the age of 12 years old I always liked to hear the classics on the radio but at that time I always avoided to say to others that I was actually enjoying that kind of music, but now things are quite different, I'm older and can face any discrimination if there any to it... is pure a state of mind.

Well I never had been in a classical concert before, couldn't afforded or thought I couldn't and here show up in front of me in a silver plate, I didn't think twice I was back there on the very next opportunity and for my luck the first show that I experienced it was a Opera. It was a group of six women singing the piece called SVADBA - WEDDING by Ana Sokolovic.

The author is Serbian born but most of her studies and carrier is based in Montreal, Canada. She and the group of the singer has being quite popular not only on the North America but also world wide, wining several awards in the last few years.

The piece was song a Capella using a few dramatic acting body movements and also the use of small instruments played by the group members, the very first note of high pitch at the begging of the opera made my day for the rest of the week, I never had felt such sense of fullness and joy... the lyrics was singed in Serbian but the intense of the acting by the girls on the group and their amazing voices transmitted the story straight to my heart.

After that experience I was trilled and excited for now I had a new way to enjoy the beauty that life can offer us, I'm kind being a bit silly here for the fact that most of the free stuff that we can get around us is probably announced in radio, newspapers and internet but we don't pay attention to it.

The very next concert that I witnessed was "The Music of John Buckley", John Buckley is a Irishman compose and artist, his work has being portrayed and played everywhere in the world earning fame and awards everywhere, that afternoon I had the change to heard and contemplated his works played in piano, violin and a choir piece, it was a full blast again.

I have been going to the Sundays free concerts ever since and every opportunity to get this sound bust of beauty to my ears just makes me more light to go with my weekly life...

XXX chicos and chicas

Gean  Anderson de Lima

Friday 23 November 2012

"Alone or just Mistaken!!!"

I was just passing by the street near Mountjoy Square on my way home when I spot this add, it was interesting because the day I saw this was exactly when I turn 32 years old, (Wednesday, 21st of November) I took one day pounding and reflecting about it until I was in college yesterday when I heard these phase while watching a episode of Fair City.

"You don't stop having fun because you are old, you get old when you stop having fun"

For a long time I felt that I was older then my own age and for that I took upon one aspect quite different of the general opinion, "I am not getting old I am getting wiser", that was fine and wasn't the problem, but for ages and I mean ages because it felt like thousands of years I was in fear of being alone and never had the opportunity to discover what it is to be with someone or share something especial.

The thing is I had something special and from that I got into this new thinking that I sharing here now, from  that experience I took again another 180 º in my life (I like to say that a lot @!@). I not going to get into the detail because it was a personal journey that I had, but what I am telling is how I change the prospective of seen myself during that time.

This is coming from a guy that spend quite a while in depression (not having fun) and then when I thought that I was complete (having fun) events trow my life upside down, and I went back to the old place of depression for a while until it hit me. I was complete all along and not broken or missing pieces, the prospective of being alone was a Illusion, there are over 7 billion of people in this planet how can I be alone? 

I understood that there are loads and loads of different concept for being alone, and I am not here to discredit the add above, but to say here my way to view these so called problem!, We are used to the fact that we need others to tell us what we are (eg: when we ask our friends... Am I doing the right thing?) or we used others as reference to describe ourselves (eg: when you going to meet someone new and you introduce yourself... I am friends with Mary, or I am John's cousin) but in truth you are the one who define yourself, I took months if not years to realize this and still working on it but no matter how many years you spend on this it is you who describe your way to see life.

The first step we take is being aware of that, and from there you start to find more and more different meanings to the word alone, you see that it is not outside intervention that is the problem but the inside concept that we are used to drive our lives, that's where it comes the word Mistaken, no one likes to be wrong when saying or expressing ourselves, but to discover that you have been wrong on the way you see you life is the key here.

Finding out that we have being wrong to ourselves is scary believe me I know, but as more frequent you ask yourself the question the more used to the feeling you get and more understanding comes from this self awareness.

We try so hard to connect with the outside world that we forget the most important connection ever... the connection with yourself. How many time we felt depressed or disillusion from the fact that others didn't do what we wanted? I highlighted there the last phase to explain, wasn't the fact that other didn't do it that put us into depression, it was OUR expectation from it that led to this feeling.

I am gonna stop here because it is starting to sound like a psychology class but I think I passed on what I intended, self awareness if the focus point and the key for life...

Enjoy yourself ;-)

Gean Anderson de Lima